Why Oil Testing ?

There are several motivations to monitor transformer oil from transformer in service. Testing of transformer oil provides insight into quality of oil which is needed to take appropriate corrective actions such as filtration etc, provides information about health of transformer like thermal or electrical faults along with magnitude of fault and it also helps in estimation of residual life of transformer

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Why Choose GE LAB ?

The most significant aspect is interpretation of observed results for correct diagnosis. GEL LLP is managed by expert have more than three decades of rich experience, pioneer in establishing advance analytical techniques such as furan content and degree of polymerisation in India, honoured with several state and national levels reputed awards, responsible for successful diagnosis of various case studies and exposure to latest research activities. Therefore GEL LLP test reports have credibility.

We Global Electrical Laboratory LLP

Our motto is that “The most significant aspect is the interpretation of observed results, for correct diagnosis”

Global Electrical Laboratory is managed by an industry expert, having more than 4 Years of rich experience & is pioneer in establishing advance analytical techniques such as furan content and degree of polymerisation in India.

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Our Services

1. Consult our Engineer

The working of any project needs a proper plan to be emphasized. Each and every successful project has a mastermind behind it. In your case, it is our highly qualified GE engineers who will serve your needs. Consulting all your queries and getting proper and better feedback is our task.

2. Get a Quote

The second steps demands you to paddle up your imagination into a better form. Every plan needs a fire to be ignited, similarly, bring on the fire to ignite the understandings. Building up the status of the plan in a more customized and digital way is the second step all about.

3. Start Building

While the ultimate step asks you to actually execute the plan. Once the whole planning and the structure is done, let us go to the building of the manifesto. Now, this possible only if the first two are in the correct space. Thanks to GE Lab LLP that we carry out each and every minute detail with the utmost care and attention.


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